I. Friis & M.G. Gilbert (1993) Digera. Flora of Somalia 1: 145
Plants annual herbs. Leaves entire, alternate. Inflorescences axillary, spikelike bracteate racemes; bracts subtending a sessile or subsessile partial inflorescence consisting oaf a cetral fertile flower and 2 highly modified, sterile, rapidly accrescent, unibracteolate lateral flowers. Tepls (4-)5, the outer pair fimr and strongly veined, the inner 3 more delicate and hyaline; stamens (4-)5, free or shortly fused at the base; pseudostaminodes absent' ovaries with 1 ovule each; styles long and slender; stigmas 2. Fruits hard, indehiscent nutlets enclosed by the persisten perianths and falling together with the sterile flowers and bracteoles.
Digera includes on 1 species. Digera muricata. It is native to Africa and tropical Asia.
Note: GBIF records include introduced and cultivated plants. Consequently, the distribution shown often differs from statements about a taxon's native distribution.