Plants succulent herbs; stems erect, forming small groups up to 130 cm tall, about 30 mm wide, with irregularly toothed angles, upper part less angular and bearing a succession of old inflorescences scars. Inflorescences initially terminal, becoming laterally displaced by grwothof the stem, simple or compound, dense globose clusters of many flowers. Corollas rotate, about 9 mm acros, yellow-green with sparse to very dense brownish-purple spots, glabrous except for a tuft of purple, versatile hairs at the end of each lobe; coronas with still hairs, outter coronas more or less absent.
Ceropegia penicillata grows in Acacia-Commiphora and evergreen bushland and open Juniperus forest at 800-1800 . It is grows in Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and the Arabian peninsular as well as regions N-N3 of the Flora of Somalia.
Ceropegia penicillata has previously been included in both Caralluma and Desmidorchis. Reasons for including it in Ceropegia are given in South African Journal of Botany 112 (2017) 399–436.
Si xidhmo ah ayuu u baxaa, joog ah illaa 1.3 m, jirridiisu waxay leedahay xaglo si aan caadi ahayn ilko u leh, iyo xariijimo ku yaalla ubaxiisa gaboobay. Ubaxiisu wuxu leeyahay madax wareegsan, wuxuna ku dul yaallaa xagga sare ee jirridda, waa huruud/cagaar ay la socdaan dhibco bunni ama basali ah. Iniinyihiisu waxa ay leeyihiin miiq timo ah oo xagga sare kaga yaal.