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Collection Profile for:
Government Post Graduate College No. 1 Abbottabad Herbarium (GC Abbottabad-GCABBT)

Abbottabad is an important gateway to northern Pakistan and three mountain ranges, the Himalaya, Hindukush, and Karakuram. It is famous for its scenic beauty, moderate climate and educational institutions. The Herbarium of Government College Abbottabad was established by the Department of Botany in 1990. At that time, it was the only herbarium in the region. By 2005, the collection had grown to 10,000 specimens, but in October of that year, the area experienced devastating earthquake. The earthquake left many people dead or homeless and damaged much of the area’s infrastructure, including the herbarium. Fortunately, all involved decided that re-establishing and continuing to develop the area’s oldest and only herbarium was important. Consequently, space was set aside for the herbarium in the new BS building funded by the Saudi Government and the staff and students reorganized the surviving specimens in the new facility and began adding to them. By 2022, the collection had grown to 15,000 specimens and the decision was made to register it with Index herbariorum and to start sharing its holdings with the world via OpenHerbarium.


Collection Statistics

  • 428 specimen records
  • 251 (59%) georeferenced
  • 390 (91%) with images (428 total images)
  • 358 (84%) identified to species
  • 30 families
  • 117 genera
  • 148 species
  • 151 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update:
Global Unique Identifier: a6b86d60-37db-4523-8d9b-59e58c747789
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights:
Rights Holder: Government Post Graduate College No. 1 Abbottabad