Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, District Swabi, Karamar region (Medicinal plants)
Shah Khalid and Mary E. Barkworth
Citation: Khalid, S. (2023) Checklist derived from M. Khalid et al. on Ethnomedicinally important plants of Karamar region of District Swabi, Pakistan, checklist posted on line November 2023
Locality: Karamar region, District Swabi (34.300000, 72.300000)
Abstract: The checklist has been extracted from the paper "Characterization of ethno-medicinal plant resources of Karamar Valley, Swabi, Pakistan" published by Khalid et al (2017) in Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences. In this paper they provided a survey-based list of ethno-medicinally important plants traditionally used by professional healers and local people in Karamar region of Distric Swabi, Pakistan. The study is based on interviews and questionnaires from different age groups and resulted in a list of 63 plant species from 36 families.
Families: 34.
Genera: 59.
Species: 57.
Total Taxa: 63.
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